Our role

.Our functions in the electricity sector are to set prices, monitor prices, and enforce and administer laws and codes.

Setting prices (regional Queensland)

We set the electricity prices and the solar feed-in tariff for regional Queensland every year.

We set these prices, because there is not enough competition in the electricity retail market for to keep prices low. Ergon Energy supplies most of these customers.

Monitoring prices (south-east Queensland)

We monitor the operation of the retail electricity market in south-east Queensland and publish a report every year.

Our report covers retail prices, discounts and incentives, retail fees, customers receiving assistance with their electricity bills, new types of electricity plans, market competitiveness and other significant issues.

We also monitor solar feed-in tariff offers and publish a report.

Although the electricity retail market in south-east Queensland is competitive, it is still important to monitor the market to ensure that customers can benefit from the competition.

Enforcing and administering codes and laws

We enforce the Electricity Distribution Network Code and Gas Distribution Network Code, which outline the rules for retailers and distributors in Queensland.

We investigate breaches and take enforcement action as necessary. We keep a register of these breaches.

Energex and Ergon Energy report to us on their compliance with guaranteed service level (GSL) payments. These are payments to small customers when certain service levels are not met. We publish an annual report on how these two distributors perform on GSL payments. We also review the GSLs.

We also enforce some Queensland-specific aspects of the National Energy Retail Law and National Energy Retail Rules.