Queensland Rail’s 2020 access undertaking (AU2)

Queensland Rail’s 2020 access undertaking sets out the terms and conditions under which Queensland Rail provides access to its rail infrastructure. It also outlines the process required for an access seeker to negotiate access to the infrastructure, and the way disputes in relation to access are to be resolved.

Queensland Rail’s 2020 access undertaking came into effect on 1 July 2020. The undertaking is subject to amendment through a draft amending access undertaking (DAAU) process under the QCA Act.

Date approved Approved access undertakings and DAAUs
1 July 2020 2020 access undertaking came into effect

Queensland Rail can seek to vary the 2020 access undertaking at any time by submitting a draft amending access undertaking (DAAU) to the QCA under the QCA Act.

We monitor Queensland Rail’s ongoing compliance with its 2020 access undertaking.

Queensland Rail is obliged to undertake a number of activities in accordance with its undertaking, some of which require our approval (e.g. our annual approval of capital expenditure, reference tariff variations and changes in pricing arrangements in response to changing volumes).

We also assess ad hoc requests from Queensland Rail for approval of matters required by the undertaking.

Compliance activities
Capital expenditure claim